Monday 2 March 2015



In everything we do and say we are being watched.
Whether we are awake or asleep, at work or at play
Wheresoever we go and do, nothing escapes the knowledge
Of these beings we call the silent ones.

They do not talk, laugh , eat or drink as we do,
Neither do they toil or spin like us, but ever conscious,
Ever watching they record and follow us silently
As they are known: The silent ones.

When pains and betrayals saddens us, they watch
Our tear filled eyes and somehow wishes they could help
But they are restrained by the commandments of the
HIGHEST, so they remain as the silent ones.

One day, the mystery of the silent ones will be demystified
As they would be known to us as we are known by them
Then we shall all stand together in one big congregation before
The great I AM and we shall all be as the Silent ones.

And on that terrible day, a few hours before the new earth and
Heavens are showered in, it shall be as it was in the beginning of time,
Everyone would be made lifeless except the ANCIENT OF DAYS haven
Resurrected us there will be shouts of joy and no need again for the silent ones.

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