Friday 19 June 2015



Rev Smith began his ministry in a very small parish where non of the members was wealthy. Out of sincere purpose and a heart filled with compassion, he began to teach on the principles of acquisition of financial wealth.
Soon the members began to get prosperous and thus motivated Rev Smith majored on only this aspect of ministry and never for once taught his flock on the elementary and advanced principles of salvation, eternity and the life to come.


By far the greater majority of his members became extremely wealthy. They built estates and all of them had chains of businesses and none of them had fewer than two private jets in their fleet.
And it came to pass that after a while all that generation of rich men died and they appeared before the judgment throne of the Almighty God. The books were opened and they were judged according to the things that were written therein. The parameters used include: Abstinence from things pertaining to ungodliness and worldliness, level of sanctification, purity within and without, honesty, levl of compliance to the virtues of the fruits of the spirit etc.


Never for once was the idea of the acquisition of materialism mentioned. If for anything at all the acquisition of much wealth only served to militate against many of them for in doing so, they have cut corners, displayed dishonesty and used many methods which as the large screen that was placed before them ran a preview of the lives they led while on earth, many of them covered their faces in shame.
Most them were surprised at the scenario that was being displayed in their very before. No one had ever taught them that such things as this ever existed neither had anyone prepared them for this type of event. All they ever heard from the church were messages on prosperity and taking over the finances of the world. Now they discovered howbeit late that such things were nothing but vanity and vexation of spirit.


Now let us ask ourselves these questions. Who is to be blamed for all these? Were all these people be given a second chance, would they tow the same path of action as they did before?
Was this the type of end they anticipated when they first left “all things behind” to follow Christ by agreeing to attend church services?
The ministers, who love to preach only prosperity messages, let them ask themselves these questions in a week of fasting and humbling themselves before God. In addition let them add this one question, “All these things I am preaching to the people, AM I IN THE RIGHT? God bless all mankind.

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