Sunday, 8 November 2015

                                                         NO TO IDOLATRY

The congregants were in a joyous mood. This was their day and they were ready to celebrate it to the maximum. Everyone was expected to participate. No exemptions whatsoever was allowed. The items to be used had already being prepared. These consists mainly of foodstuff and life poultry and ruminant animals to be offered in the yearly sacrifices they perform to the spirits that dwell in the River Ase.
It is believed that in exchange the gods of the river will shower blessings of prosperity, protestion and long life on all of them. The officiating priest arrives and the people formed a procession to the river. The ceremonies haven been performed, they returned back home for the all night feasting that was bound to ensue.


Chief Governor Chuks Oyeama Afiawari haven retired from his office in the city for some years decided it was time to go back home and dwell among his own people. On arrival he was immediately installed as the AGWUAMANONYA AFIAWARI OF ASE. This position as well as being the King of the Udoni’s had been left for a very long time by his father the elderly Afiawari.
As the Agwuamanonya he was the king maker of Ase, the regent and the custodian of the ancient customs and traditions of the people. He determines the dates for activities to occur and provides leadership and direction for them.


Sitting in his house he watched the people come in and after the customary salutations, they presented the object of their quest; He should fix and announce the date for the yearly sacrifice to the water gods.
“There will be no such thing this year and henceforth” he announced.
“What?” the exclaimed greatly astonished.
“Yes, when I was not around you people worshipped as you choose but now henceforth there will be the worship of only one GOD, the one who haven created the earth now reigns in glory in the celestial sphere.

There are very many churches in this land, each of you should choose the one that suits his style and worship there, but as for idolatry, there will no longer be such thing. The waters of the river has been given to us to use for both domestic and commercial activities and should remain so. We will not worship any spirit of any sort again.” He finalized.
Though not fully convinced the people left but decided to trust in the wisdom of their Agwuamanonya for he was more intelligent and older than them all. Each man went and began to worship the LORD GOD ALMIGTY as they knew how best to do it. So great was the change that no native doctor or voodoo priest remained in the town.


Now the spirits that control the rivers of Ase are very malevolent. No one despoils them of their sacrifices with impunity. Without delay they began theyr attacks. Once given permission to Satan to try a man, he can easily turn the world’s greatest man to the world’s most miserable.
So from one trial to another they continued their onslaught against the Chief GCO Afiawari. Being made to experience that which normally a man of his status shouldn’t pass through, the man continued to follow the enlightens he had received from on high. Had he wanted he could easily have compromised but he thought it better to suffer reproach for Christ than to glory in the riches and pleasures this world.


In return for this faithfulness the Lord God Almighty gave him precious gifts that the world cannot give. He outlived all his brothers and peers despite the fact that many of these joined secret cults for long life and prosperity. He was taken away from this earth at the age of 108 years.
In the later stages of his life though he was above 100 years he was still very strong and moved about without walking sticks and eyes been keen as ever he would visit his church members ministering to their every need, yet he was not a pastor.


Those who are sick he simply prays for them and in most cases they get well. Those who needed anything he provides for them from his own resources. Above all these, he started receiving visits from angelic beings who tells him of things to come.
He informed his children that one day he would send for them all and they must come to him. After that two years later he would pass on to the spheres where spirits dwell. It was done exactly as he predicted. He passed on at the ripe age of 108 years. To God be the glory.

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