Wednesday, 23 December 2015



Idolatry is the patronizing of spirits and gods. Just ike eerry other aspects of human endeavors have transformed positivey even so have idolatry metamorphosed from uncivilized tto extremely refined form so much so that many ho are involved in it have no idea the do evil.


The economic condition under which we live these days iis very harsh. Many now live in constant fear not only of the present but also of the future; how to make ends meet. Hence many do anything they deem fit just to survive.
Many traders bury sma charms under their shops. Others carry these charms about as talisman. Many business properrtors including school owners, bury living things in heir business premises so as to attract much patronage.


Some landlords indulge in unwholesome practices. They would bury charms in their houses to this effect; to use the destines of their unsuspecting tenants to foster their own unaltruistiic
Interest. Suddenly thee tenants begin to experience a sharp decline iin their business interests until they go bankrupt. Yet they cannot explain why.
Can anyone tell the number of children who go to bed at night without food? Who can tell the number of kids who drop out of school because their parents cannot afford school fess, or how many have lost their homes and how many homes hae broken up because of lack of money whie the landlords who are the cause of these problems go about in grandiose presenting themselves as high society personalities?


Many ladies make use of charms to obtain the right patronage sothat they can go about in flashy cars and live large even when it is quite obvious they have no visible form of trade. Their preferred choice is the whiteman.
He doles out large chunks of money shoering precious gifts to the lady whom he thinks he is in love ith never suspecting he is being bewitched. He is being hypnotized under the influence of back magic. As soon as she has collected enough from him in addition to finding a bigger spender she woud dump him and go for the new catch.


The church is nott left out. To be sincere the worst form of idolatry takes pace in the church. Many churches today are nothing but business centers having the semblance of a church. Two spirits that magnify themselves the most in the church are Mammon and Beelzebub.
Many churches are buit on wrong foundation.
There are covenants which the proprietors of such churches make with evi spirits to the endtthat those peope who patronize them wil never enter the kingdom of God. The underlining principle here follows the same as that which governs the operation of hose evil landlords.


Truly idolatry has transformed. Gone are the days when ths despicable act was carried out iin primitive settings. Thesedays hardly can we find shrines inpeopes houses as it usedto be. Witchdoctors now go about in suits and skirts. Inste
Ad of using cowries to divine, tthey now mae use of modern gadgets like tablets, notepads and other mini computers for their divinations. It is no onger easy to draw the ine between idolatry and true worship. Ihave studied much and hae gone round and I have discovered one truth. Here it is: Though hand join in hand, the wicked we never go unpunished therefore et everyone that have the name of God depart from iniquity.

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