Wednesday 26 November 2014



Sitting in his chair, he watched them as they came before him disputing among them. He listened carefully as they presented the matter before him. Then he replied and opened his mouth saying, “You know not the LORD neither do you understand the ways of HIM whom you worship.”
“Every Sunday you see me in church before anyone else, don’t you?”
“Do you know why?”
“No” they replied in chorus.


“One morning I was in the church, an hour before the service commenced, I saw an angel coming down from heaven bearing in his hands precious gifts. He placed a gift on each of the chairs in the church and then stood by a corner and watched. A minute before the service commenced, he went round collecting the gifts from each of the seats that had not yet been occupied and went back to heaven.”
“Ever since that day, I make it a point of duty to always attend service earlier than anyone else and sure enough this same angel always repeat the feat and sometimes speak to me.”



m“But sir, you know we do not have the type of eyes that you do neither can we see this angel, please can you help us tell him that he should not be taking these gifts away because we do desperately need them?”
Then he looked at them and smiled knowingly.


“Now what is it again that you dispute among yourselves?”
“Sir, how much money should a man have before he can gain acceptance with GOD and have true satisfaction of spirit?”
And he opened his mouth and spoke unto them saying “I have ought to say unto you before I answer your question.” And they said; say on. Then he said unto them “There was a certain rich man who was very wealthy and he said unto himself; I will now build me a house so magnificent that it will contain sixty bedrooms and twenty living rooms.
I will sleep in all these rooms each night so I can have maximum satisfaction for my soul. He did as he intended and laid the walls of the house with pure gold. It was indeed a masterpiece of a building.


Now also in this same city lived a poor man. He also built a house for himself but all he could afford from the honest labor of his hand was a single room. He furnished it as best as he could. He found great satisfaction each night and felt very refreshed as he went about his daily duty each morning.
The rich man would sleep in one room for twenty minutes only and then repeat same in the next room. Each morning he would fell frustrated for he never completed sleeping in all the rooms in his house for one single night.”


Then he said unto them, “How many rooms did the poor man sleep in one particular moment each night?”
And they replied him saying “One room.”
Then he said again “How many rooms did the rich man sleep in at any particular moment each night?”
And they replied again “one room.”
“But which of them do you think had a greater satisfaction?”
“The poor man” they replied.


Then he said unto them, “Hear ye the words of wisdom and incline your understanding to the paths of knowledge: The true worth of a man’s life does not consist on the amount of wealth he possess neither does he gain acceptance with GOD because he is rich or poor.

Then they left him astonished with each man wondering in his heart the true meaning of the parable he had just put forth unto them.

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