Friday 14 November 2014



Experience what? The people shouted wanting to hear more. The followed the trail of his eyes to see that thing which had made him dumbfounded. They saw what he had been seeing and their hearts sank. They became petrified even as the President stood there discomfited. For right there approaching slowly was the very one this great army had come to denounce. The one they had so blasphemed.
Encompassed in extremely brilliant light, surrounded by a host of the holy watchers was the King of Kings, the great and Mighty GOD. The countenance of these Holy Beings cannot be expressed by any word in our dictionaries and MS word.


This King did not come as a lamb ready to b slain but he came as a conquering lion ready to wreck vengeance on HIS enemies. The cherubs that attended him were of the highest echelons of the heavenly host. Fiery flames of fire emanated from their eyes.
All the evil spirits that had come out in their billions to watch this show tried running away but they were all arrested and chained by the brilliant lights that proceed out from the bodies of these great and Holy Beings. The President was taken chained as a common criminal by one of these angels. The false prophet was also taken.


These two evil men were thrown straight into the lake of fire in the full glare of all men as this event was being watched live all over the world. They became the first set of beings to ever enter this lake of fire which burns with brimstone and liquid fire.
Next all the bombs were defused and all the weapons of war beaten into ploughshares so that the nations would know war no more. 


Now was attention shifted to Lucifer the one also called the devil the one who fancies himself as GOD. For long this evil creature have shown total disrespect to his creator our common FATHER. For long he has caused wanton destruction of lives and properties of men. Being extremely wicked he has made himself an arch enemy of both GOD and man, now it is time for him to receive his punishment.
One of the angels caught hold of him and binding him with chains he was cast into the bottomless pit. All the demons and fallen angels in every part of the universe were also taken up and cast into the bottomlss pit for a thousand years so that they would not be able to deceive the nations for the period of the new milleniun. All the punishment they have meted to men both those who are dead and those who are alive will be magnified ten thousand fold and put upon them during this period. 

THE END TO WAR             
Then emanating from this wondrous light from the Holy Beings were instruments of war unknown to man. These weapons went straight to the cervical regions of each of the men in the army cutting up their jugular veins. So much was the blood that flowed from them that it flowed like a river of water. When the horses were made to go through it, the heirht of it was up to the knee level of the biggest horses.
The dead bodies of this army were so much that it took the nation of Israel up to six months to fully clear the surface of the earth these cadavers. Attention was now shifted to the beast.


Then was attention shifted to the evil city [the seat of the mystery Babylon]. The metaphoric woman that sat on this seat had made war and overcome many of the saints. She was responsible for the persecution and the death of many saints.
She had practiced sodomy and harlotry causing many to fall and stumble. Her witchcraft and wickedness was very great in the sight of the LORD. Her cup of abomination being filled up with the blood of the matyrs of Christ, it was time to receive her punishment. Fire proceed out of the brilliant light and hit this evil city and a great conflagration engulfed it thus bringing this city which in spiritual terms is called Egypt but in physical language the city of seven hills to an end. It was not proper for this city to be given a space in the new millennium.    


The beast is not one single entity. It is an organized setting of men headed by the antichrist. Similarly the term used by the Bible as ‘false prophet’ is not one personality. It is a collective term of men who outwardly profess to be ministering for Jesus Christ but their actions and secret deeds were purely antichrist in nature. They too also have a head that alongside with the President in this story had already been thrown into the lake of fire.
For a long time ere the antichrist was displayed to the world, these men had indulged themselves in anti Christian activities namely: Obtaining anointing from air, water, fire and forest demons to operate churches and bewitched the people with fake miracles.


Formulate their own man made principles and ideologies teaching other men to observe and do same even when it is quite obvious that such doctrine negates the principles set by Jesus Christ and upheld by the early apostles. Others stole money directly from the offerings given by the people and used same to live extravagantly while majority of the people who gave these offerings lived in squalor.
Still others joined the occult so as to gain money, power and fame and paraded themselves about as pious men whereas in truth they were like the whitewashed tombs which appear good outside but inside them is full of dead men’s bones. Though the LORD had severally sent them warnings extending forgiveness should they turn from their perdition, these men choose to enjoy the pleasures and glory of this world rather than suffer shame for Christ JESUS.


Some of these men being heavy boasters and lovers of themselves have gone ahead to proclaim themselves as gods admonishing their faithful to carry their images about as talisman and charms to place them in strategic positions in their homes and offices and worship same.
This led the people into idolatry and witchcraft; things which the soul of the LORD hates and had severally warn HIS children to abstain from. Others also led their faithful to such degree of worldliness, things which were hitherto foreign to the culture of true Christian principles and values.


And in so doing they not only caused many to stumble, they occasioned the fall of millions of GOD’S children around the world. Now the savior has come to require from them stewardship and accountability but they could not behold the face of HE whom they have so ridiculed and despised by their attitude.
They fled to the mountains and said “fall on us to hide us from the wrath of the King of Kings.” But the mountains did no such thing for they too greatly feared and quaked before the Mighty GOD. It was indeed a great and terrible day of retribution. Then were each of these men that were still alive as at the time of the fulfillment of this prophecy, taken alive and thrown into the lake of fire which made their punishment to increase ten thousand fold.


There was no point in postponing their judgment till the judgment day. They were worthy to receive this punishment for the sins of these men were very great before the LORD. And as for the rest of the people on earth, each man was given a reward deserving of the works of his hand.
Those who had refused the mark of the beast were given eternal life and bliss. Those who had not only taken the mark but have also gloried in the usage of its benefit were rewarded with eternal damnation. And haven put a temporary end to sin, the anger of the great GOD was cooled down. The stage is now set for the next important program in GOD’S calendar for man; THE 1,000 YEARS OF CHRIST REIGN ON EARTH.

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