Thursday 13 November 2014

                                          ARMAGEDDON  [1]- THE END OF THE BEAST

The period of time that the vials were being poured on the earth was the worst ever experienced by man. Never before had it been seen that plagues of so severe a nature as these were fostered on the whole of mankind.
While those people who refused to take the mark were being subjected to such cruelty as the persecutions afore mentioned, those who accepted the mark were undergoing very severe hardship occasioned by the wrath of the MOST HIGHEST. But just like the Hebrews of old in Egypt these plagues did not affect those who refused to take the mark or make use of its advantages.


These occurrences made the spirits of them that dwell on the earth at this time very low. They went about their duties crestfallen and totally disillusioned. There was no one to turn to for help as the plagues were upon both the common men and their leaders. The beasts were not left out either.
In their predicament many began to search the scriptures thoroughly. These saw at once the folly of trusting in worldliness for in the hardship they were experiencing, no single article upon the surface of the whole earth could be used by them for their salvation. Haven been thoroughly scorched by the chastisement from the LORD, HIM who is called the IMMORTAL, INVINCIBLE the only truly wise GOD, they submitted themselves to HIS will.


They began to see things in the right perspective. Similarly they urged others to follow soot. There was no point being recalcitrant for it is quite obvious that the happenings of this recent past were not mere coincidence. The finger of GOD should be clearly seen writing a script for all mankind to read and have eternal lives for their souls. And as many people that followed these urgings surely received eternal life.


However many other people were resentful? They did not wish to hear any stories about GOD. They have been plagued by scourging from the sun’s heat, by boils, by being forced to drink water turned to blood and other pestilence too numerous to mention. What kind of GOD was this that will allow such deadly plagues to afflict the same people HE claims to love? They queried.
It was by far much better for man not to have any GOD than to have one who issues so much rules and regulations to follow and hardly give much back in return to HIS faithful, they reasoned within them.


The President knowing that the time for him to depart this world was at hand and he not willing to fall alone began to scheme how he would carry the whole of mankind with him. He knew the people already knew who he truly is therefore there was no point trying to hold on to the alien theorem with which he started.
Being in the know that the people had divergent views about GOD and haven streamlined these views into two broad opinions namely: those who love GOD and those who resent HIM, he decided to go in the way of the latter using their argument as a basis for his new move.


He had already brought much destruction to the earth. The spiritual and moral standard had fallen to an all time low. The people practiced freely sodomy, witchcraft, lasciviousness, immorality of the highest grade. Everything that constitutes filthiness of the body, soul and spirit were held as virtue by man.
He allowed the people to practice even in a worse dimension all the sins that made GOD destroy the antediluvians during the ea of Noah and Sodomites in the days of lot. As if these were not enough, he made an image of himself and placed it in the Jewish temple at Jerusalem and there proclaimed himself as GOD. He was truly the man of sin, the son of perdition.


Now he must gather the people of the earth as a whole to fight against GOD. All the armies of the world must fight as one unit. He must bring to the fore all the weapons: guns, bombs, missiles and every single warhead.
This is the greatest battle the world has ever seen and as such every weapon of war at man’s disposal must be used. As the commander in chief of earth’s forces he gave his commandment that all of them must gather at a place called in the Hebrew tongue: ARMAGEDDON.


In doing this, he had only one thing in mind: Extermination of the human race so as to thwart GOD’S glorious plan for man. He knew all the bombs in this earth put together cannot snuff life out from the smallest spirit being. Was it therefore not foolhardiness for anyone to assume that mere man as weak and feeble as we are can kill GOD with our worthless weapons?
Yet the men of the time this prophecy of this book will be fulfilled on earth did not think along such line as this. In so doing the President like his father the devil knew that with such great gathering of weapons as afore mentioned, a single explosion from any one of them can make the others explode and blot out the human race from existence within a few seconds.

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