Thursday 6 February 2014

Angels of God

He is a career and executor of the divine attribute of the name of the MOST HIGHEST-Jehovah Raphael [I am the LORD the GOD that healeth thee. He is the angel of the pool of Bethsaida. He and his train loves to appear in any form they wish to. This they always do with healings in their wings as they carry God’s care, compassion and love to Billions of God’s children all over the world healing the sick among them in the process.

He is the angel of light that continually dwells in the presence of the MOST HIGHEST, who is the Father of light and have no variable of darkness with him.
Gabriel is an archangel, a messenger of God bringing hope and light from the Father to his children. He is the defender of the faith and a protector of the faithful.

He is the archangel supremo, a prince of all the angels. He is always present to help the other angels and all God’s children in their fight against the forces of darkness. He is the protector of the earth and the defender of the universe.


HE needs no introduction.

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