Wednesday 26 February 2014

CHAPTER 7 (Down The Ages By Flow Iyke)

The young dynamic pastor was in ecstasy. He was going to show his flock, the stuff he was made of. Though pastor Ogunta did not have the anointing for ministry, he loved being very visible.
He had only one ambition in mind, to become as rich and famous as the wealthy Nigerian pastors. Although he did not have the money to compete, he promised himself that at any opportunity that presents itself, he will not fail to outshine them all.

In the recent past, a strange doctrine had gradually taken root in Nigerian churches. The general overseers (G O) had formed the habit of tasking their members to pray in the name of the god of the respective G O.
Also, many of them go as far as printing copies of their portraits, distribute and ask their members to carry these as talisman, hang it in their houses, cars and business premises, waive and use them when they are in need and the miracles will flow.

To the ordinary eyes these things promote distinction from others. However, these things are not ordinary. Many of these G O’s get their anointing from the devil, their god. Thus they plunge their faithful into idolatry.
These portraits make them gods, images to be served. Had the commandments not said, (1) Thou shall have no other gods before me?
(2) you shall not make for yourselves images to idolize? Therefore the sins of these men are very great in the eyes of the LORD.

In order not to take the shine away from our story, we will now proceed. Pastor Ogunta made a portrait of himself eight feet high. With his dark glossy jerry curls hair shiny brilliantly even in the portrait as a result of the amount of sheen applied, he looked magnificent. Of a truth he was very handsome.
He hung this portrait in his small church in such a manner that it was conspicuously conspicuous. He had been saving for this for a very long time. Many members congratulated him. Thus highly motivated, he mounted the podium.

Clad in his only pair of suit which was rather oversized, he began his sermon. Drawing inference from the serpent in the wilderness, he summarized thus, “As Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness, so have I lifted this image before you. When you are in need, look towards the direction of this portrait, and then call on the god of pastor Ogunta.
Let this image be formed in your minds eyes. It is the key to your deliverance. All your problems will be solved at once. Thank you.” The clap was spontaneous. Some people stood up and began to dig some steps in joy. Pastor Ogunta beamed with smiles.

In the midst of all these, one hand shot up.
“Yes Bro Stephens you have my permission to speak.”
“We all know that God instructed Moses to set up that serpent. As for this image of yours, we do not know. I have watched in uttermost chagrin the doctrine of the multiplicity of gods in the church. Today, any pastor that can string together a congregation of five worshippers will admonish them to pray in the name of his god. If you had money you would have as well print copies of your photo and ask us to carry it about as talisman.
Today we have the god of face book, god of Google, twitter, flow Iyke, Ogunta etc. All these are gods, but which one is the right God? Tell us pastor, tell us.” He paused impressively as if expecting a reply.

THINGS FALL APART 7                                 
Since no reply was issued, he continued, “We all know where most of these pastors get their powers from. Why should we go about carrying their photos as talisman? Is this not idolatry? Why don’t we all go back to worship the gods of our ancestors, wouldn’t that be better?
At least those priests divine for us and give us solutions, but here you and your likes preach money and giving to the church and nothing more. AS if this is not enough, you now have the effrontery and audacity to stand in our very before and emit such nonsensical verbal dose from your buccal cavity, admonishing us to worship your image. Kini gbogbo rubbish ti bobo en son nah? E wo ni gun pastor, ma begi fuen o.” Which being interpreted, what kind of rubbish is this guy saying? Look here pastor, I will cut off your head o.

I will no longer sit down here to condone such foolishness. I hereby dismiss myself from this church.” So saying he took up his Bible and stormed out of the church in anger. While he spoke a grave silence fell on the church. Many of the eighty member church were the simple ones.
These lacked imagination and do not have opinion of their own. They always find themselves agreeing in total with whomsoever it was that was speaking at the moment. One after the other, they picked up their Bibles, dusted their buttocks and trooped out of the church en masse. Only two remained.

Pastor Ogunta could hardly believe his eyes. He had not expected such a twist or this sudden turn in events. He watched in great disbelief as even his most staunch loyalists joined the boycott. It was not as if he could not have remonstrated with them, but the gesticulations from the few he tried showed they were ready for a showdown.
He fell down in the altar and wept sore. Right from the start, he knew he had neither the anointing nor call to ministry. He only joined the fray when he saw the grandiose with which the Nigerian wealthy pastors bestrode the landscape.
Now all he had worked for in the past three years had suddenly evaporated to thin air. What will he do now, where would he start from, he did not know.

One thing he knew however was---it was far better to be so tongue lashed and forsaken by his members now, than for his simple soul to be cast into hell on the judgment day. Rising up, he adjusted his suit, went to the offering box and counted the days taken.
It was thirty-six thousand, six hundred naira in all. Dividing it into two equal parts, he gave each part to the two remaining faithful. Walking to the windows, he shut them all.  Painfully he walked to the door. While he wept, he had made up his mind to go look for genuine employment and earn an honest living, rather than present himself as an instrument through which Satan would destroy innocent souls in hell.

The remaining property of the church will be entrusted to the hands of faithful people who will sell them and then distribute the money to the blind and disabled people in the streets. He shut the door and walked away. He only looked back once, then walked away never to return to this church again.

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