Friday 21 February 2014

Noah's Flood

Four years later, a grandson was born to Methuselah, the son of Enoch. He always carried the boy along as he taught the people the creation story, urging them to live righteously.
By the time the boy was eight years old, he could tell these stories as much as Methuselah did. One story he loved most was the ascension of Enoch. He wanted very much to be like his ancestor. Six hundred years later, he made history as the first man to build a sailing gigantic ship.  His name was Noah.

By this time the world was full of people with wickedness. From heaven, the LORD looked down and saw that, the imagination of the thought of man was only evil continually and it grieved GOD that he had made man.
God spoke to Noah instructing him to build an ark to the specifics. All animals of every kind would be camped in it. A great flood that would destroy every living thing would come. Those who believe and repent will be saved.  Those who believe not will be condemned.

Early the next day, word was spread round; Noah had an important message to deliver. These people love gossip, so they all flocked to Methuselah’s house to hear the message.
Noah gave the word. He urged the people to turn a new leaf. Serious argument began, with the philosophers taking the lead. What kind of speech is this, they argued. Rain? Who ever heard such a thing as that? Who had ever seen one fall? (Rain had not yet fallen on earth from the time it was created, till   their own time of existence). It is just a figment of the imagination. So saying, they dismissed Noah, making him look like a fool.

How often do we hear arguments along these lines today? Tell people the truth. That the soul that sin it shall die and be put into a lake of fire for all eternity and you receive scolding.
Hell?  Does such a place exist? Who had ever been there? What are the constituent molecules of its composition? Is it not uttermost foolishness to throw away the pleasures that you see, for the realities of the unknown? So on and on they argue to their own hurt.

Undaunted, Noah proceeded to build the ark. Having only his three sons and their wives as crew, they labored hard to build the ark. Without the aid of modern equipment, it was not an easy task to build.
Resting only to eat and preach more, gradually the ship took shape amidst being scorned by onlookers. Some out of jest brought foodstuff, that Noah might have to feed the animals, but they never participated in the building process, nor did they have any intention of ever entering the ark.
The women faithfully dried and preserved the foodstuff.
Not once through this trying time did God speak, talk more of visiting Noah. Many a time, he felt like giving up. Did God really speak to him, or was this an hallucination after all? Finally, at the end of one hundred years, the ark was completed.

The people gathered in mass to view the completed ship. It was a masterpiece, they agreed. Out of concern, one asked, “but Noah, is it not foolishness to build so grand a ship, where there is neither river nor sea?
Seizing the opportunity, Noah replied that it is no foolishness to obey God’s word. He spoke so passionately that many were touched. However, because of other people, they could not openly admit for God. Thus they missed the opportunity for salvation at the last minute.

Suddenly they heard a sound behind them. Their heart sank as they beheld the spectacle. Birds of all kinds flew in pairs into the ark. Likewise animals came from the forest and mountain top, walking in pairs straight into the ark. Oh, what a sight it was to see these animals parade themselves into the ark in proper animal fashion without any person ordering them. Not even the slowest of animals: the Tortoise and the Snail were left out for with great perseverance the snail reached the ark. This was more than they could bear as tears flowed freely from their eyes.
News rushed in that Methuselah was dead. Many left to go pay their last respect to this grand old man. That night, the LORD locked Noah and his family inside the ark.  Early the next morning, the worst rain that ever was since time began, started falling. Forty days and forty nights, it fell. Every living thing upon the surface of the earth died.

The down pour of rain was very heavy and characterized with strong winds that uprooted trees and caused much damage to buildings. Animals in great fear ran down from the surrounding mountains and forest to the civilized society seeking help from man.
Little children cried out to their parents for help but the parents themselves were at a loss, for they knew not what to do. They in turn ran to the great philosophers who hitherto had being most vociferous in proposing hypothesis and postulating theorems to prove Noah wrong. They too could not propound any theorems to explain this great phenomenon neither did they divine any solutions to this great disaster occasioned by this rainfall.

In their predicament they all remembered Noah. Yes, he alone possessed the answer to their quest for survival. In one accord they all ran to his ark remonstrating with him to the intent that haven realized their error, they were now willing to make atonement for their souls.
It was very painful; most of these people were his relatives. He wanted to help, but it was no longer in his hand to do so. It was too late. For a hundred years, he had cried, pleading with them to turn around, they refused. Now they were ready, but it was too late, too late, too late, and too LATE. Learn more

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