Sunday 2 February 2014

The Deep Call

The deep calls unto the deep and the earth utters her voice to produce knowledge that perhaps the sons of men may hear and hearken to the words of wisdom and find rest unto their souls, but they say, “We will not hearken.”

From the time we arrive on the planet earth till the time we leave it at death, there is more to see than could ever be seen and to do than could ever be done. Whether we are awake or asleep, at rest or travelling, at work or at play, everyone of us on earth is traveling at an amazing speed of 107,602km/hr as the earth cruises along with a great rush covering a distance of 932,000,000km in a year.

Each time the hands of the clock ticks, the earth moves closer to her end. Each second that passes by, we all take a step closer to the afterlife. The earth’s end is very imminent and very close. The simple among men passes on in their simplicity as though nothing is at stake but the wise and intelligent creatures of the Highest put into cognizance these things and so quiver with fear.

Heaven For All Men is not a church. It is a group of people committed to making the after-life a reality instead of the abstract way billions of people around the world view the places called Heaven and Hell.
Every human being on earth is made up of a body having a soul and a spirit. At death the soul is buried but the soul and the spirit goes on to spend billions times trillions of years in some other place throughout eternity.
It is the study of the things that makes one to spend life in the negative side of eternity with a view of avoiding them that this group is all about.
We are therefore regularly making observations, carrying out researches and using other tools for spititual analysis to assess and make the right decisions about God’s standard for man which is compulsory for all men to meet so that every man, woman, boy or girl who so desires will be able to have eternal life in Heaven when they die and leave this earth.
The way the message of the gospel is being preached these days, it looks as if God has no standard, that everyone can do whatsoever he likes and still make Heaven but in reality this is not so. The standard set by God has not changed. We as humans must make every effort to meet God’s standard, so that we through His grace and mercies will be counted worthy to be partakers of the heavenly home and not castaways to the lake that burns with fire.

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