Friday 21 February 2014

Love From Above: CHAPTER ONE

Lora came down from the car and kissed her fiancé good night as the car zoomed off. She was in very high spirits and was grateful to God for all He has done for her.
At the age of twenty five she had already accomplished many things. She had a Masters degree from a very reputable university and worked in a good firm. The management of this firm held her in high esteem and had provided her with a well furnished apartment. In addition an official car was assigned for her usage.

In addition to these she would be getting married to Princeton, a first class degree holder in Economics from Harvard University. Though she considered herself a Christian, she knew her fiancé was not born again.
However she decided not to broach the issue to him until after her wedding. She did not wish to take the risk of losing him. Why would she when she was fully aware it was not easy to pin down a husband these days.
That night she was too happy and too tired to eat so after a shower she went straight to bed.  

She entered the living room and switched on the light. There was a letter on the table addressed to her, it was from Princeton. Beaming with smiles she opened the letter and began to read it. The first few words stunned her. The letter was lengthy but the summary is presented below.
Dear Lora
I thought you were my friend, should anyone have told me otherwise, I would not have hesitated to kill him were I to have the power to do so, but now I know better. This made tears of sorrow to run down her cheeks, but she continued to read the epistle.

I gave this relationship my best, everything I knew that was right I applied and those things I knew not I made research so that I can use them to please you for I loved you more than mere words could describe. Why did you choose to pay me back in so evil a manner?
This was too much for Lora to bear and she began to cry, yet she could not put down the letter as she continued reading it.
You knew all along I was not a Christian but you never asked me to become one. Had you asked me I would gladly have accepted, if for no other reason but my love for you. You know quite well that I could have crossed any Ocean or even go to the moon just to be with you.
Lora’s temperature rose up as she read these words

Now what is the result of this silence? As you read this letter, I am in a place too horrible to mention. There are millions of people here in very severe pain. Nothing on earth can describe the torture and agony that is being experienced here.
In all my life I never knew such a horrible place exist but now I have to spend the rest of eternity in so despicable a place such as this. One last thing I ask from you is this, please go to my brothers and warn them lest they also should come to this inhospitable land.
Good bye forever,

Lora woke up with a start, thank God it was a dream she muttered to herself.
Her bed was thoroughly drenched with sweat as if buckets of water have been poured on it. She reached for her phone and dialed Princeton’s number several times but there was no response from the other end.
What could be the problem, why was there no response. Thankfully the next morning was a Saturday and she didn’t have to go to work. As soon as it was dawn she hurried off to Princeton’s house.

Lora was informed that her fiancé was dead, this event took place as he was coming back home the night before. His car had an accident and he died on the spot. Lora stood transfixed to the spot, she could not believe that it was the very person she kissed goodbye the night before that was now dead.
She gazed straight ahead into the empty space as if she was in a trance. This lasted for twenty minutes and then without speaking to anyone she suddenly turned around and went back home.
She locked herself indoors and wept bitterly throughout the weekend. As she wept she reasoned but could not tell which was more painful, the fact that her fiancé died or the fact that she never presented Christ to him.

That week she was given a leave of absence from work.  She spent most of the time meditating and reading the word of God. As she read, the eyes of her understanding were enlightened. Though a regular church attendee, she had never devoted any time to study the word of God.
She thought that going to church and performing a few ceremonies was enough, now she knew better. She saw at once that had she been the one involved in the accident, she would have gone straight to hell, for her lifestyle was in total variance with the standard set by God.
She knew she had fallen short of God’s glory, there and then she prayed for forgiveness and promised to begin living the changed life.

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