Tuesday 1 April 2014


Mr. White was ecstatic, basking in the euphoria of success; he hurried home, spread his hands towards the heavens and said the doxology several times. He had every cause to be happy. For a very long time he had nursed the ambition of building a world class school and after several years of uttermost care and preparations, he had finally brought this ambition into fruitfulness.
The opening ceremony of his magnificent edifice which is to house the school had taken place. The roll call of dignitaries who attended the ceremony was endless. Every activity that took place at this event was in the superlative form.

Not being in the mood to waste further time, Mr.  White employed a certain Mr. Brown as the academic director of the school on recommendation, for the referral had presented him as a seasoned administrator. The task of running the school was placed in his charge. He had been duly informed by Mr. White of his purpose of establishing this academy which he had invested several million dollars.Mr. White wanted his school to be the best in the country. The students were to be the most brilliant thus making the school a model in the whole federation.

The final year students of this school are expected to write a common school certificate exam conducted by a special external body. They are expected to write nine compulsory and two elective courses in this exam.
Of all these courses, Mr. Brown loved the two elective courses the most. He was so much in tune with the two courses that he could reel out their course outline off hand and go ahead to teach same without consulting any textbooks and his teachings were always perfect. It is always a sight to see him exhume confidence and smiles from cheek to cheek as he taught the principles of these courses to his students.

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