Tuesday 29 April 2014



The old Roman Empire headed by the Caesars is the leg of this image. By the time this empire declined the papacy had taken over the functions of providing spiritual and political leadership of the whole of Europe. The Roman Empire did not come to an end like the others before it. It continued to survive through the years and today it is in the form of the EU.
And just as the feet had some of its parts made of iron and some of clay, so it is that all the countries of the EU do not have equal strength. Some of them are very strong and wealthy, others are not so gifted. The EU working closely with her ally the US which itself is an offshoot of Britain currently dictates the pace and trends of all activities that is going on in earth.


The Catholic Church is the largest and most wealthy organization in our planet therefore it should not be surprising that the head of this Church; His Holiness the Pope holds the highest office on earth. He wields so much authority on the political class that it can be safe to say he is the king of the earth.
Now if it is true that this man will be the last pope that means the last phase of the Roman Empire is at hand. According to Daniel’s interpretation, a stone not cut with hands was seen rolling down the mountain until it came to the image and smashed it to piece at its feet.


The stone that was seen smashing the image represent the enthronement of the LORD’S Kingdom. This is what most people call the new millennium or simply Christ’s one thousand years reign on earth. This period will be man’s golden age as the level of technological, societal, moral and economic development that will characterize that period by far supersedes any known by men of our time.
Now before the start of the one thousand years rule of Christ, there will be a seven year period of Anti-Christ reign. Here satan and his fallen demons will have full liberty to do as they wish. The technological advancement we now enjoy will nose-dive, the societal and moral decadence will be unparallel in history and the economy of the world will suffer its worst equilibrium.

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