Monday 28 April 2014


Almost everybody is interested in what the future has in store for them. One of the best known prophecies about the events that would usher in the final end of our earth is found in a book called the tree of life.
This book is found in the Vatican city’s library and the prophecies were written by a Roman Catholic Bishop called st. Malachi. He was born in the year 1094 in Ireland and his predictions are about the Popes and Antipopes that will reign as heads of the Roman Catholic church from his time till the second coming of Christ..

Two gentlemen got wind of this book and though they are not catholics went to the Vatican, read this book and came out with their own predictions. St. Malachi had written in exact format how one hundred and twelve Popes will assume and leave office. He predicted their names, places of birth and each Pope’s or his family coat of arms.
These two gentlemen now predicted that Pope Benedict will resign due to ill health reasons and how his holiness Pope Francis will ascend the papacy seat giving the exact time these events will occur. The events took place as predicted. The most important thing here is that St. Malachi had prophesied that Pope Frances will be the last Pope before Christ Jesus returns the second time to earth.

What then are the positives to be derived from this lesson which the duo of men has revealed to us? How is the Church planning to benefit from this priceless information? Let us go back 2,500 years in time when a great king was first given this information and how a foursome of youngsters interpreted the king’s revelation. [Daniel 2]
The great king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon laid on his bed thinking of what the future would look like. GOD gave him a dream and by the time he woke up, he could not remember the dream. When Daniel and his friends were brought before the king, they not only refreshed the king’s memory with his own dream but went ahead to interpret it. This is the summary of their effort:

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