Tuesday 1 April 2014

Mr. Brown being saddled with the responsibility of employing teaching staff, conducted interviews and diligently employed only those staff who had similar passion like him for these two elective courses. They shared the syllabus amongst themselves and went ahead to teach the students of this school these electives with so much gusto so much so that very soon the students could not only recite the courses but can also teach them as well as any of their teachers could. Meanwhile not for once did the teachers made an effort to teach any of the compulsory subjects to the students.

And it came to pass in the fullness of time that the students sat for their final exams. The examination board set the elective courses test first. Mr. Brown’s students had been well drilled in these subjects so they wrote the papers excellently. Then it was time for the test for the compulsory subjects to be taken.
The students were amazed when the y saw the questions. All of them had never seen nor heard about the course outline of these courses, how much more their contents. One by one they stood up from the examination hall and submitted empty answer booklets to the examiners. This very episode continued until the whole nine compulsory subjects had been taken.

Finally the examination results were released and Mr White rushed down to the examination body to collect the results of his School since he wanted to be the first partaker of the first fruits of his labor. Beaming with smiles, he collected the broad sheet containing the results of all the students in his school.
He scanned through it and his countenance changed. His broad smiles turned into a frown. What kind of a result is this? He asked nobody in particular. He went back home looking forlorn and dejected. Sorrowfully, he picked up his phone and made calls, thus summoning members of the board of trustees, parents and teachers to a very crucial meeting: PARENTS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION MEETING.

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