Friday 24 October 2014



I seek a home in a country not made with hands
A beauty where corruption and theft do not exist
Where everyone will dwell securely and live happily
A city whose architect and founder is GOD himself.

Though my brethren and I are faced with many trials,
And suffer cruel mocking of faith, I am not deterred.
Though some of us are thrown into prison and boiling oil
We will neither give up nor turn our back on HIM.

Even when we wander about as destitute and are homeless
Or sawn asunder and killed by being burnt alive at the stakes,
 Though HE may forsake us and cast us away from HIS sight,
Yet we will not forsake HIM, HE is our only desire.

For I reckon that our present sufferings is not worthy
To be compared with the glory that HE will reveal in us.
Therefore we press along ever searching for perfectio
Untill we arrive in that country not made with human hands.

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