Thursday 23 October 2014


                                                         THE GREAT TRIBULATION


Haven ended part one of the series we now begin part two proper of the GREAT TRIBULATION. However many of the scenes we will be reading here are gory and may be seen as offensive by many. I hereby apologize. Blessed is he who is not offended by these writings for it is expedient that these things be presented as they have been revealed.
They are written for our ensamples that we may hold fast to them least at any time we allow them slip and so unwillingly find ourselves in the negative part of eternity. The blessings of the LORD GOD be upon us all. Amen.


The training session came to an end. The men had been thoroughly schooled in the act of the inquisition. Their training had commenced a few years before the rapture and now they have graduated. They were taught to have no fear, no pity nor mercy. They have only one goal: drill people to submission and eliminate the recalcitrant ones.
Their tutors had hearts as black as coal and as cold as ice. No one could tell where they emerged from for it seems as though they were from the highest echelons of fiery evil fiends from the pit of hell itself. The dogs to be used in the exercise were as big as the giant wolves and as ferocious as the most ill tempered of the wild cats.



Both man and beast were trained in special camps and at the appointed time were to be unleashed to cause havoc to mankind. They were to be used as a special elimination force by the President to deal with all men who refused to accept the mark of the beast.
The time appointed was at hand. A video session was beamed live in all TV stations around the globe. In this video some things that looked like aliens were seen communicating with some men perfecting strategies to use in orchestrating mischief against mankind so great that it would make the catastroph that occurred on the day still being disputed as the rapture to look like a child’s play.


After the video clip the President made his announcements thus: This clip was taken by special satellites beaming several million miles away from the earth. The men were leaders of the opposition group campaigning against the reception of the registration mark. These men were secretly in league with the aliens to destroy the earth.
No responsible government would sit tight and allow such mishap against his people. Therefore all members of the opposition who have hitherto refused to receive the mark will be fished out and brought to book. This announcement was greeted with wild cheers. Without delay the persecution began in a fearful dimension.


Deogratias sat at the table to eat their scanty meal with his pregnant wife and four year old son. Meal was in short supply for the adherents of the reformers movement. Many a time these courageous people stayed without food for several days because they were not allowed to buy or sell.
The special force burst into his apartment, ripped open the stomach of his pregnant wife and fed the baby foetus to their dogs. Next his four year old son was crucifed to the cabinet shelf before he was beheaded as the TV crew recorded proceedings.


Samson was seized as he was about to enter his home. He was tied with a chain to the back of a vehicle and the driver drove away furiously as he was dragged along the ground. Mary was taken outside before a crowd of spectators and they watched in horror as parts of her body were being dismembered one after another.
Scenes like these and others more gory and not too pleasant for public reading made many people fled their homes. Many fled to the villages enroute to the great forests for the persecution was everywhere. There were no hiding places. Others fled to the mountains and wandered about in scanty clothing as destitute witjout food nor water. They were completely at the mercy of weather and climate and the animals of the wild.


Many were thrown into the prisons, some were electrocuted others were sawn asunder. Yet they beared their suffering with patience. Of these class of noble men and women the world was not worthy. Had they been mindful of their sufferings they had ample opportunity to recant and receive the mark but they chose to suffer reproach for the name of their GOD and KING therefore GOD was not ashamed to be called their GOD.
HE threw open the life gate of heaven so that all may go in. Those who lost their lives here found it in heaven for they had clearly demonstrated by their sufferings that they seek a home in a country not made with hands whose founder and architect was GOD.


However those who endured these sufferings to the end were very few in comparison with all them that started the race together.

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