Friday 31 October 2014

                                                             GOD’S RESPONSE

The ascension of the duo of Rev. Boniface and Pastor Kingston formed a major talking point in most TV and other broadcast stations for several days. Analysts came to the fore disputing and arguing in favor or against the spiritual implications of so unique an act.
With numerous examples these men were able to deduce by classical extrapolations why held strongly to their respective opinions. While some believe that it was a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and thus urge men everywhere to repent and be steadfast in those things that pertain to God, others argued that the occurrence was a mere coincidence. If men were to fulfill the Biblical prophecy, they would certainly be Enoch and Elijah comes back to life for only both men never died. 


If truly it is appointed that men should die once, then it should be both men and not certainly Rev. Boniface and Pastor Kingston whom they knew from Adam. So while these men argued on and on they missed out the true significance of so great a spiritual exercise.
That not withstanding many of the ordinary men have began to see the personality and administrative flaws of the President a man whom hitherto they believed was infallible. Many of them began to see him for whom he truly his; a charlatan, an impostor. The moral and spiritual state of the people declined sharply as the once buoyant economy of yhe world at large began to suffer its worst disequilibrium just a few years after assumption of office.


   Meanwhile as all these brouhaha was going on on earth, another great event haven been prepared in heaven was about to be ushered in on earth. It was the time of the great and mighty one, HE whom is called the ANCIENT of SAYS to show HIS displeasure to the sons of men for their general disobedience and the gross nonchalant disposition towards HIS overtures to wayward men.
For long men have not shown respect to our collective GOD and FATHER. All we like sheep haven gone astray, HE responded by sacrificing HIS one beloved son to die for us. For long HE beard with our sins, weaknesses and even insults. Yet HE constantly held out HIS hands with love towards us but yet we chose to be recalcitrant.


We disregarded HIS warnings, insulted HIS prophets and messengers labeling them as evil agents of the devil. Haven used our own hands to blind our eyes to the knowledge of the truth, HE gave us over to a reprobate mind that we might believe in the lies of the devil.
Now it was time to pour out HIS wrath on mankind and there would be none to ask HIM: what are you doing?
There was going to be punishment for all mankind and yet this punishment of HIS was not bore out of hatred but out of love that perhaps in our affliction some may seek him out and still find salvation for their souls while there is yet an opportunity to do so. Oh how it grieved HIS mighty heart of love to pour out HIS wrath on us HIS creation but if that is the only way to bring us back to our senses, so be it.

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