Monday 20 October 2014


                                          REJECTING THE MARK OF THE BEAST {2}

Rev. Boniface’s action provoked commentaries and arguments in many places worldwide. Majority of the people criticized him. Why will a man go ahead to protest against another man who had good wishes for the people and have even gone ahead to demonstrate it over and again? They argued.
Which President in the history of mankind had achieved in so such a time what the world President had achieved? And even in the aspect of religion, what was wrong with a religion that allows the people to do as they wish provided they don’t directly trample on the right of others and they worship only one god who is being represented in the physical by the President? They argued further.


Several others however did not tow this line of thought. They saw sense in what Rev. Boniface stood for. A religion that gives freedom to the people to do as they wished whether such actions constitute clearly a sin before GOD was not the right type.
One of such people was Pastor Kingston from the US. He too haven narrowly missed the rapture because he followed the same path of indulging worldliness all in the name of following modern trend even when the LORD had clearly commanded: Love not the world neither the things that are in the world for they that love the world do not have the love of the FATHER in them, now wished above anytning else to do that only which will redeem his soul.


He put a call through to Rev. Boniface and exchanged acquitances. Both of them having similar interests agreed to work together so as to sensitize their fellow men on the perilous nature of the time in which they lived in.
Without much ado, they launched out using whatever means that was affordable to them to produce spectacular right ups to promote their work. Many people got hold of their writings and messages in both the print and electronic media. This caused them to read up the Bible for themselves and the eyes of their understanding were enlightened. The reformation began.


It is amazing to see the diligence with which people will pursue interests that lead to the salvation of their souls once they receive enlightens. Haven realized that there were no such things as aliens and that which happened on that day of much disaster was the rapture and the registration exercise that followed was nothing but a ploy to give them the mark of the beast, they knew what they must do.
Those who had not yet received the mark not only declined from doing so but encouraged others not to receive it. Those who had already received the mark, knowing there was no way they could return it, these people chose not to participate any further in the benefit that accrue from the reception of the evil mark.


All these people knew that they would suffer hunger, thirst, shame and loss of jobs, but what matters hunger, what matters thirst? Are these not only things that benefit the flesh? Was salvation not more important than earthly desire? How long will this President rule? They asked themselves.
From their studies they knew that he will rule no more than seven years. Was it not more honourable to suffer persecutions for seven years and then make it to heaven when Jesus comes to establish the one thousand years reign? So fully persuaded they decided to carry the cross of suffering and shame and pitch tents with their LORD even to the death.


So the word of GOD spread fast and the work of the reformers gather momentum. Lots of people joined this movement however most of them had no indepth knowledge of what they were enlisting for. It looked like a roller coastal ride to them but they were soon to regret this action of theirs.
The persecutions that followed was not a child’s play. Of a truth it seemed as if all the torturing experienced in different parts of the world since the beginning of time was now being concentrated in one place and even then it was not worthy to be compared to what these reformists sufferd. Many threw in the towel but those that knew their GOD were strong and went on to do exploit. 


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