Tuesday, 30 September 2014



He then went on to urge his faithful not to register for the new identification exercise. This is clearly the 666 mark of the beast and anyone who makes the mistake to accept that mark will never enter Heaven. He further went on to enlighten them that aliens as creatures do not exist.
The things that were called aliens in the broadcast were nothing but demons trying to gain expression and as such masquerade themselves as aliens. Assuming it is true that the adults who disappeared were allies to these so called aliens, would we say the same about the little children? What do they know sinless as they were?


Are these things not manipulations by the devil to continue to deceive the people and make sure they do not realize their mistakes and as such turn to GOD for the salvation of their souls? This is the period of the Anti-Christ and he will rule over the earth for seven years. This period will be filled with the greatest persecution ever seen by the world against all those who oppose him and refuse to take the mark.
Many will loose their jobs, homes and rights. Others will be imprisoned, put to the sword or perhaps even sawn asunder. It will be a time of great pain and sorrow but the good news is: They that endure to the end will be saved.


Before it was difficult to enter heaven but now it will be extremely difficult. No matter how difficult it is we must never forget one thing; our souls are of the greatest value. We must therefore give all the more earnest heed to those things which pertain to its salvation. Once more I am very sorry I did not prepare you for this when I had the opportunity to do so. Forgive me.”
The congregants stood up to go. They have just heard something spectacular, so this is it, they reasoned within them. Right there and then they made up their minds that they will never accept the mark no matter the cost. Those who could imagine have already started seeing themselves suffering for Christ. It sounded poetic and heroic.


What could be more glorious than forsaking all and follow Christ? What could be more exciting than dying on the stakes with Angels around you carrying beautiful flowers, garments ad golden crowns to usher you into the presence of the Almighty GOD?
To them it seemed like tales by moonlight. But these Christians had no in depth knowledge of the nature of the foe whom they were about to deal with. They were soon to know that these things were not fine write ups in nursery rhymes. For in truth out of the millions of people in a particular town that made such decisions sometimes not even up to fifteen of them could endure to the end.

Monday, 29 September 2014

                                            A TALE OF TEN VIRGINS


The atmospnere in the church was a very somber one. Rev. Boniface mounted the podium. His countenance seemed fallen. Instead of his usual smile he wore a very morose look. It was apparent something was wrong somehow with him. He opened his mouth to speak as the youngsters made their entry. There were eight of them who could make it in all.
“I am very sorry to have led you into a pit” he began. He then went on for about an hour speaking on the events of the past few days. Time and space would not allow us to reproduce the message totally but the summary of it is given below.


Drawing inference from both the old and the new testaments of the holy scriptures, Rev Boniface was able to show his congregation why the events of the past few days had occurred exactly the way they did.
As he spoke the listeners were amazed at his words. Prior to this time he had never spoken to them along such lines of thought. He always spoke on the principles of Christians ruling over the financial world urging his faithful to acquire as much material things as they could even when the Bible clearly warned Christians to abstain from such things.


But now they have seen clearly that those messages were a deception for hitherto Christians had not taken over any financial world. Many of them having followed the messages they heard went ahead to covete after money but instead of taken over the financial world, only succeeded in piercing themselves with many sorrows and have lost the greatest pearle on earth: their souls since they did not participate in the rapture.
And now, with the pronouncement from the UN Christianity has been scrapped. It is not just Christianity alone but all the religions on earth have been abolished for at that particular time in history modalities were been put in place to fuse all the religious groups into one new world religion which should be acceptable not to GOD but to all men. So which world are the Christians going to take over now?


He then went on to urge his faithful not to register for the new identification exercise. This is clearly the 666 mark of the beastand anyone who makes the mistake to accept that mark will never enter Heaven. He further went on to enlighten them that aliens as creatures do not exist.
The things that were called aliens in the broadcast were nothing but demons trying to gain expression and as such masquerade themselves as aliens. Assuming it is true that the adults who disappeared were allies to these so called aliens, would we say the same about the little children? What do they know sinless as they were?

Friday, 26 September 2014


                                                    THE FIRST WORLD PRESIDENT


Meanwhile as pandemonium went on in several places, an extraordinary meeting of the United Nations was taking place. Four hours later all the television and radio stations that still had the capacity to function made a live broadcast of the decisions reached by the UN Assembly.
The summary of which was in this format: The earth is under attack by some expansionist aliens from another planet. The people who disappeared where allies of these aliens. The threat is still on but in order to forestall similar occurrence it is mandatory that the whole nations of the earth must come together as one.


To begin with a new chancellor had been voted in who will be seen as the President of the world. Secondly every person on the earth must enroll to be issued an identification mark. This mark will be issued on the head or hand of each person however it would not be visible to the naked eye.
Lastly, although it is regrettable but to ensure security of lives and properties certain fundamental rights will be denied each man. Henceforth there will be only one political party, one religion, one goal and one aspiration for all men who on earth do dwell.


The registration for the identification mark will commence in exactly three days time. Each person would be required to go to the school closest to him and get registered. But with regard to the other aspects of the broadcast everyone would be given a period of two months so as to adjust himself to the changes that would be introduced.


Exactly three days as promised in the broadcast lots of people trouped to the designated centers to get registered. The process was very efficient and fast. The machines were of the highest grade. They made use of solar energy to forestall any shortcomings that would have resulted in using electricity powered machines.
It was the same model that was used in every country of the world. The registration staff looked extremely flashy. No one knew where they came from neither could anyone tell were the machines were made and who trained the staff. So long as it took just about two minutes to do the registration everyone even the skeptics were impressed.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014



If there was ever a day to be described as a day when hell broke loose, it will surely be this day. Landslide took place in many countries as earth quaked seriously breaking the record of the highest value ever set by the Richter scale.
The magnitude of these earthquakes impacted terribly in the seas and oceans thus resulting in Tsunamis that submerged many coastal towns, villages and cities. The number of the dead that day could never be quantified by any known scientific means available.


No business activities took place on that day. The survivors were too dispirited and were all in great grief as to the loss of their loved ones. This was so because in every nation, tribe, kindred and family on the surface of the earth, there was atleast one person who disappeared for no single little child was seen on the surface of the earth.
Husbands called out to their wives as paents wept over their missing children. Businessmen sat counting their losses while many Insurance companies closed that day for there was no way they would ever be able to pay compensations to all their clients.


This was the worst day in the history of mankind. It was a day of total pain, sorrow and tears. Flags were not flown at any mast at all. Choppers flew above carrying reporters as they broadcast these gory scenes live on all broadcast media.
The red cross, army and other law enforcement agencies did all they could to salvage an already bad situatin. It was indeed a black day, a very black one.
The story continues.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


                                        THE GREAT TRIBULATION


This is an abidged version of the book of Revelation using contemporary language and scenario. Highlighting the major invents of the reign of the Anti Christ, it begins from the first day through to the last day of his reign.
There is also an extension of the event of the last day or Judgment day. Intermissions do not form part of the story line but they serve as guide to help us in our work with GOD. God bless all mankind.


It was a day such has it had never been seen since the beginning of man’s existence on earth. Many people in different parts of the world woke up that morning in response to cries of distress emanating from their neighborhood.
Catastrophic 0f gigantic proportions greeted the eyes in whatsoever direction one chooses to look at. The streets were littered with the characteristic remains of accidents. Many cars ran into one another as some of their drivers had suddenly disappeared from the drivers’s seat.


Several airplanes had suddenly disappeared from the trails of their radal for their pilots not being found, these aircrafts crashed right into houses resulting in great conflagrations. These burn fires led to the cremation of many bodies and wanton destruction of lives and properties which run into trillions of dollars.
In addition to these, there was a general breakdown of law and order as the personnels of the law enforcement agents were too few to contain the large amounts of accidents which occurred simultaneously.