Wednesday 10 September 2014




Lazarus was set free, he turned around and began walking in the direction from were he came. He sneezed thrice and opened his eyes and found himself in a ward in a hospital. He scanned the room and saw people lie down in beds arranged in parallel with their relatives by their sides.
Looking further down the ward room, he saw the back part of a lady putting on the same robe as the woman that set him free a few minutes ago walk out of the room.
This lady was on her way to visit another patient. She was walking through the ward when urged by the Spirit looked and saw a man lie down lifeless on the bed. She stooped, walked to the man and said, “Almighty God, father of all spirits, let life return to this body in Jesus name, Amen.”The people around the bed heard her pray this simple prayer which looked more like a wish. As quietly as she had come, she walked away.


Lazarus laid down thinking deeply; he did not understand what was happening. An hour later this same lady walked through the ward again. He solicited her attention and quietly told her his experience. The lady was astonished; she had no idea the effect that simple prayer she made had produced in the realm of the spirits. She gave him her phone number and walked away.
The doctors came and examined Lazarus. There were no serious complications, so the next day he was discharged from the hospital.


Two days later he paid the lady a visit. She explained to him fully the meaning of his experience. She proceeded to share her own experience with him. Lazarus wept as she spoke. He never believed such things as life after death. In his opinion, he thought that life ends here on earth. He never believed the doctrines of Heaven and hell’
Had the Almighty father not shown him mercy and love from heaven, he would at this moment be languishing in hell. He decided to turn a new leaf, from now henceforth, whatever it will cost him to serve the Lord Gog Almighty, he will not hesitate to pay the price.


Lazarus kept a close contact with the lady. She was very helpful. She showed him how to live a fruitful life in Christ. Everything that he had need of spiritually, she gave him. A holy alliance was formed between the duos. Together they went for evangelism and other profitable spiritual exercises.
Lazarus respected this lady very much. He knew he owed her his life, besides this, she had a well paying job and was from a very decent and wealthy family. Many ladies in her shoes would have chose to spend their life pursuing ungodliness, things which are vain and vexation of spirit. But here she was, holy and pure doing only those things which will glorify the ever merciful Father

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