Thursday 11 September 2014




The long convoy of cars stopped at the outskirts of the town. The passengers came out of the vehicles and mixed up with another large crowd of people awaiting them. Together they formed a procession and walked behind the ambulance carrying a casket. The pall bearers led the match as they displayed the large portrait of the personage inside the casket.
Many of the people in the match were women dressed in very beautiful attire. A lot of them were in tears. They have come to show their last respect for the dark complexioned lady in the casket. She had been their President and many of them had benefitted tremendously from her.


From the top of the two storey building I watched the procession approach. The brigade boys played vey beautiful tunes while the undertakers smartly dressed did some wonderful displays with the casket. Some people in the procession were in tears while the others sang and danced in tune with the melody from the brigade boys.
As I watched them, I scanned the horizon and my imagination carried mine mind away. I focused on the large river flowing peacefully down its course. It was less than fifty meters from my vantage point of view. I wondered how old the river was. It could have been in existence since Adam’s time


If this was the case, it could have outlived many generations of men who all have drawn from it all the usefulness only a river can provide. Similarly there must be something in man which goes on living after our bodies have been committed to earth. I jolted back from my reverie as I once more scanned the scenario playing in my very before.
I looked at the crowd and my heart skipped its beat. I closed my eyes and prayed for the salvation of everyone in it. I focused again on the portrait being displayed by the pall bearers. She has already began her journey in the real life called eternity while the rest of us will follow soot one day. She was no stranger to me. She was the one that first showed me love and set my tiny feet on the part of knowledge. She was MY MOTHER.

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