Tuesday 2 September 2014



Linda was totally fed up with life. Why fate had chosen to single her out for punishment, she did not know. Try as hard as she could, things never seem to work positively for her; She lived her life in total misery and pains.
She knew she was living a false life, externally people see her as a cheerful easy going lady full of joy and happiness but inwardly she was dying slowly and nobody but herself was aware of it.


What pained her most was that at her age, she was not married. Most of her friends have left her behind. Each time she gets into a relationship, as soon as it was time to tie the knot, the prospective groom suddenly vanish into thin air. How long she was to continue in this type of life, she did not know.
Was it that her comeliness and visage was greatly disfigured? Not at all, for she was of average height, ruddy in countenance, well endowed in her front and backsides with an ebony brown skin. So what could the problem be? Oh God help me, she would cry all night.


Jim was an excellent speaker and very charismatic in disposition. He was the partying type and well known in social circles. He met and fell in love with Linda and the relationship blossomed.
He was very caring and romantic and soon swept Linda off her feet. Linda could not believe her eyes.  So at last after several years of searching, love has finally presented itself.
She threw in all she knew into it, went out together and always spent time together in her house. Soon a date was fixed for the traditional rights.

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