Friday 12 September 2014



 What does the phenomenon called eternity really means? Eternity is a time frame that stretches into infinity. In other words it is life without an ending. In Genesis chapter one, God created man from the dust of the earth. When HE breathes into man, he became a living soul.
Every man is made up of a body, a soul and a spirit. While the body is the external morphological appearance of a man which we all see, the soul and the spirit forms the inward man and they are not visible. 


The body, the soul and the spirit of a man are joined together by a strong cord called Coo life  in spirit language which on earth it we interprete as cord of life. Once this cord is broken, the body becomes separate from the soul and the spirit.
While it is easy to distinguish between the body and the inward man, it is not easy to distinguish between the soul and the spirit and should we try to work within the scope of the framework of this piece of writing, we will assume that both the soul and the spirit are the same thing. However in actual fact they are not the same thing.


After a few years of existence on earth, the body wears off and we call this death. Our soul and spirit never dies. When they leave the body, they go somewhere and in this regard we shall acknowledge that they have entered the real sphere of existence. In this place they spend what we call life in eternity.
However these places are only temporary. They will one day graduate into the real and permanent places which will either get better or get worse depending on the divide of eternity they find themselves.


On earth, the human mind has been trained to revolve around things which are perceptible to him. As such our thoughts and actions are centered around the terrestrial plane. Only a few humans out of the billions of the population of the human race ever train their minds to think and act on things that are found on the extra terrestrial plane.
Thus when we speak of things that pertain to Eternity, heaven and hell, the interest shown is not worthy to be compared with that shown by the generality of the people when the things of the mundane are being discussed.

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