Thursday 18 September 2014



The hope of the believer is eternal life in heaven. But how many believers have real knowledge of what Heaven is all about? People talk of heaven and of hell but the level of their perception of these places is similar to the story I present below.
A young lad spoke with his uncle on the phone and the conversation below ensued.
“Uncle do you know tomorrow is my birthday?”
“That is good, what should I buy for you as birthday gift?”
“Uncle, buy me economic meltdown.”


“What did you say I should buy you?”
“Uncle, buy me economic meltdown, everybody in my school is talking about economic meltdown. I asked mummy about it and she told me Dad is no longer going to work because of economic meltdown. So you see, everybody has economic meltdown except me, please uncle buy me one.”
Though the story looks funny but is this not the type of knowledge so many Christians have about the rapture, eternity, heaven and hell? Take a survey of what Christians know about these things and you will find out howbeit painfully that they only know the terminologies but have no in depth knowledge on the course outline and course content of these things.


There is a life after death. The life we live here on earth is just a preamble to the real thing. Many people not having knowledge of what eternity is have gone ahead of us and are living in regret but we that are still alive have our destiny in our hands.
Entering Heaven is not a child’s play. No one should joke with it. I hereby plead with all preachers to reduce emphasis on the acquisition of material things and begin to teach their flock the true values of life and what it takes for a man to get acceptance into heaven.
Have our LORD not said the life of a man constitutes more than meat and more than raiment?
Similarly we must not forget that: all that glitters are not gold.


Where it to be possible that one man among us living on earth should die and go and suffer the worst form of punishment in the lake of fire so that the rest of mankind will go to heaven irrespective of how they lived here on earth, I do offer myself as that man.
I do have a very serious eye defect. The doctors have diagnosed the worst should I continue usage of it for computer activities. But woe is me if I stop sensitizing my fellow men of the dangers ahead. For I reckon that it is better to be blind and turn a few souls to righteousness than to have my sight intact and not affect a single soul positively. Glory be to GOD.

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