Monday 29 September 2014

                                            A TALE OF TEN VIRGINS


The atmospnere in the church was a very somber one. Rev. Boniface mounted the podium. His countenance seemed fallen. Instead of his usual smile he wore a very morose look. It was apparent something was wrong somehow with him. He opened his mouth to speak as the youngsters made their entry. There were eight of them who could make it in all.
“I am very sorry to have led you into a pit” he began. He then went on for about an hour speaking on the events of the past few days. Time and space would not allow us to reproduce the message totally but the summary of it is given below.


Drawing inference from both the old and the new testaments of the holy scriptures, Rev Boniface was able to show his congregation why the events of the past few days had occurred exactly the way they did.
As he spoke the listeners were amazed at his words. Prior to this time he had never spoken to them along such lines of thought. He always spoke on the principles of Christians ruling over the financial world urging his faithful to acquire as much material things as they could even when the Bible clearly warned Christians to abstain from such things.


But now they have seen clearly that those messages were a deception for hitherto Christians had not taken over any financial world. Many of them having followed the messages they heard went ahead to covete after money but instead of taken over the financial world, only succeeded in piercing themselves with many sorrows and have lost the greatest pearle on earth: their souls since they did not participate in the rapture.
And now, with the pronouncement from the UN Christianity has been scrapped. It is not just Christianity alone but all the religions on earth have been abolished for at that particular time in history modalities were been put in place to fuse all the religious groups into one new world religion which should be acceptable not to GOD but to all men. So which world are the Christians going to take over now?


He then went on to urge his faithful not to register for the new identification exercise. This is clearly the 666 mark of the beastand anyone who makes the mistake to accept that mark will never enter Heaven. He further went on to enlighten them that aliens as creatures do not exist.
The things that were called aliens in the broadcast were nothing but demons trying to gain expression and as such masquerade themselves as aliens. Assuming it is true that the adults who disappeared were allies to these so called aliens, would we say the same about the little children? What do they know sinless as they were?

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