Saturday 6 September 2014



This was the moment she has been waiting for. At last all her waywardness will come to an end. In her quest for a husband, she had all most turned herself into a club girl sleeping around with anyone she met, hoping she could hook one of them, but this did not work.
She turned to church attending many seminars and vigil even when she knew she was not ready to be born again. This also did not work. Now she has met the desire of her heart and he was serious so why waste time.
She sent invitation to every of her friends and began serious preparations for this grand occasion.


Most of the money to be spent was her own since Jim could only contribute little amount, complaining business was not favorable. She was the one that need the husband; so long as there was love she did not mind spending her money.
She even made provision for the bride price. She would give the money to him, nobody need know except she told them, so there was no shame in that.


Exactly a week to the wedding Sarah came calling. After the initial shout of joy and exchange of pleasantries, Sarah asked who the lucky groom was. In response Linda brought out the album and pointed to him with confidence. ‘’Oh my God, not again,’’ Sarah cried out.
‘’What is that, why are you calling the name of the Lord, what has God done here’’ Linda was alarmed.
‘’ I know this man. He lives in the same premises with my sister; he is married with three kids. He did this same thing to another lady just three months ago.’’ Sarah responded.


‘’No, how, what are you talking about, no this cannot be. Oh God kedu maka rubbish is this now (What kind of rubbish is this?), Tell me you are joking.’’
‘’I am not joking. If you doubt me here is my sister’s address, take this photo to her tomorrow morning and she will tell you everything you need to know about Mr. Jim.’’
That night Linda could not sleep. Nobody in her shoes would dare to sleep. Her thoughts ran riot in her mind. Oh God please this should not be. How would she explain it to all the people she had invited. This was the greatest definition of maximum embarrassment should it be true.
That night she prayed like she had never prayed before. She bound all the demons trying to disrupt her marriage and chased them all straight to hell.


Early the next morning she arrived at Sarah’s sister’s house and after preliminary introductions, she went straight to the topic for the day. Her host listened attentively to her.
The elderly woman replied, ‘’My dear, it is true that which my sister told you. The man in question lives next door with his wife and kids. You can pay a visit to…..’’ she did not finish the sentence for without warning Linda fell heavily to the floor and fainted.
Concerned neighbors rushed out in response to distress call by the elderly woman. She was taken to the hospital where she remained in this state of comatose three days and three nights as the doctors battled hard to save her life.

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