Tuesday 23 September 2014


                                        THE GREAT TRIBULATION


This is an abidged version of the book of Revelation using contemporary language and scenario. Highlighting the major invents of the reign of the Anti Christ, it begins from the first day through to the last day of his reign.
There is also an extension of the event of the last day or Judgment day. Intermissions do not form part of the story line but they serve as guide to help us in our work with GOD. God bless all mankind.


It was a day such has it had never been seen since the beginning of man’s existence on earth. Many people in different parts of the world woke up that morning in response to cries of distress emanating from their neighborhood.
Catastrophic 0f gigantic proportions greeted the eyes in whatsoever direction one chooses to look at. The streets were littered with the characteristic remains of accidents. Many cars ran into one another as some of their drivers had suddenly disappeared from the drivers’s seat.


Several airplanes had suddenly disappeared from the trails of their radal for their pilots not being found, these aircrafts crashed right into houses resulting in great conflagrations. These burn fires led to the cremation of many bodies and wanton destruction of lives and properties which run into trillions of dollars.
In addition to these, there was a general breakdown of law and order as the personnels of the law enforcement agents were too few to contain the large amounts of accidents which occurred simultaneously.

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