Tuesday 16 September 2014


Be that as it may, the truth that will ever remain sacrosanct is that all men have a body, a soul and a spirt and we must all die some day therefore we should not shy away from facing the realities of the real life. So let us now try and visualize what the concept of Heaven, hell and eternity really means.
We begin with eternity. The word eternity is an infinite stretch of time. No human mind can truly fathom what this stretch contains. The oldest man on earth today is perhaps 200yrs old. If truly there is such a man, the world will celebrate him. His village will become a tourist attraction and his house a mini shrine because of the large numbers of tourists it will attract.



This man would seem to have been in existence forever and were he to be educated and the adventurous breed, he will regale us with eye witness account of many things most of us only read in the textbooks.
Yet, 200 years is of no account when we discuss time in eternity. When a man has lived one decillion years, it would seem as though he has lived for only a second in an hour time clock. Should we put this time in figures, one decillion years will be akin to this time frame shown here: 1, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.  
This time frame is mind blowing, isn’t it? But this amounts to only one second in the hour clock


Now there are sixty seconds in one minute and sixty minutes in one hour. Multiply this with twenty four hiurs in a day and three hundred and sixty five days in a year. In a year this will amount to 31,536,000,000,999,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000years.
Let us now assume that the LORD decides to cut eternity short and fix a limit to another one decillion years. Now multiply this figure with one decillion, the result will be so enormous that even your calculating device will run to overfloating. This is what is in store for all mankind but unfortunately many of us treat this matter of eternity with so much nonchalance.

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