Tuesday 9 September 2014



It was Saturday morning; the sun shone brilliantly making the day bright and fair. Lazarus did not go to work, he decided to clean up his house, it really was in need of cleansing.
As he worked, he felt a slight ache in his head but he ignored it thinking it will soon disappear on its own accord. Soon the pain became unbearable so he decided to visit the hospital for a checkup. Quickly he dressed up and went outside.


He tried to stop a taxi, he could not see properly and his legs grew weak. He saw people shouting and running towards him. Some of the women among them were already sobbing. He looked at them in amazement, what were they crying for? He did not know.
He tried talking with some of the people there but to his greatest surprise nobody could feel his touch neither did they hear him speak. He sat watching them for some time and then got up to proceed to the hospital.


He walked across the road effortlessly. He found out also he could walk through fences and buildings and as he did so he saw many people engaged in their normal activities at home but none of them could either see him or respond to his greetings. A short while later he came across a small river, he was surprised because no river was in this very city where he lived.
As soon as he crossed the river, he entered a rough road. It had an undulating topography with many twists and turns. There were no houses on either side of this broad street neither was there anything straight nor narrow about it.


As he walked up this road, two men joined him. They were very huge, dark in completion and putting on a black gown. Each of them held him on his left and right side and led him away at a very great speed as if they were his captors and he their captive. None of them spoke to him.
A lady was coming from the opposite side of the road. She was putting on a gown made from very colorful materials, her head gear and shoes matched perfectly with her apparel. She was smiling as she walked towards them.
“And where do you think you are going?’’ she spoke to Lazarus, continuing she said, “This is not the way, go back to where you are coming from.”
Addressing herself to the captors she said with authority, “Lose him and let him go.”

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