Thursday, 26 June 2014



I have learnt a lesson which if I had known; I would not have spent several years in pain and sorrow of heart searching for my Mr Right. I would not have spent countless hours reading books, attending seminars and vigils following principles and ideologies which may not always work in real life situations. If only we could open our eyes of understanding we would surely find out that we need not spend much time in sorrows of the heart looking for husbands.


For it is a clear fact that in every street there is a man and in every three or four men there is a possible husband. Why do we need to carry on as if all the right husbands have suddenly been spirited away to other planets?
One fact that we must know is that: Men are like gold. When we extract this element from the ground it lacks luster and do not in any way look like the meatal we all love to have. But once it has been purified in the furnace of the earth, it becomes refined and therefore produces that shine, that sparkling that we all love to see.


All the while I was looking for a man among the fine men outside, I never knew that the person I so much desired to have is some where in my garden wallowing away as a gardener. I am proud to inform you that in James I have found true love. He is the best husband I could ever dream of having. He is so caring, loving and considerate that everyday I thank God for providing me with such an excellent gift as James.

I would have brought him here for you to see him but I didn’t because I don’t want any of you to snatch him from me. Thank you very much.


There was a spontaneous emission of cheers from the ladies as they brought the roof down. The standing ovation was tremendous as the guest speaker made her exit from the stage. They left the hall of the hotel with great joy and peace of mind.
As they walked to their respective cars many of them haven seen the light began to strategize how to apply the very words they have just heard to their own need for they knew that no two circumstances may occur in the same particular manner. One of the ladies among them was Louis.


Absolved in the distractions of her mind she did not know when she bumped into a porter rolling some items in his trolley. The items fell to the ground, the porter looked at Louis who stood there looking back at him. She wanted to say something but somehow the words did not come out.
The porter simply bent down, picked up the items, arranged them back in his trolley and taking a last look at Louis, shook his head and moved on. This very Louis was no other person than the only daughter of the very famous business magnate and philanthropist; the billionaire Chief Rufus Phillips.
Part two continues after this time out

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

                                                          WHEN GOD SPEAKS 

“As he spoke I watched him in awe and could not really help feeling sorry for him. I felt like crying and I asked him to leave so as not to betray my emotions. I prepared a very delicious meal and gave it all to my staff. All the while my mind was busy thinking of what James had revealed to me about himself.
By Monday of the following week I informed him to look for another gardener to take over his job. I made him to be the manager of my house for it was not proper that a University graduate should be a gardener. I also increased his salary to thrice the amount he was wont to receiving.


Meanwhile I continued to pray and search for that elusive husband but each time I prayed my attenetion always shifted to James. At first I bind the thought and went ahead to rebuke the devil sternly for daring to introduce such unwholesome an idea into my noble thoughts. But when the thought persisted I gave up arguing and began to arrange my thinking to become favourably disposed to it.
 He accompanied me to many functions and the way and manner he comported himself was excellent. Moreover he devoted much time to making me happy.
I realized that most of the qualities I wanted in a husband James possessed in sufficient quantities. What was the use of ranging far and wide looking for a man for, when there is a man in my very employ that would in my opinion surpass what I was looking for outside?


After giving this matter much thought I proposed a marriage toast to James and I was very happy to find out that his love was reciprocal. Without much ado we made the marriage arrangements and got married three months later.
I informed my boss about my husband’s lack of job and he promised to help secure him an appointment as soon as there was vacancy in the company with respect to his line of discipline. He did help and today my husband and I work iin the same company.
Story still progressing


                                                                      GOD IS LOVE

God is love, let heaven and earth adore Him.        God is love; I can feel Him in the air,
God is love, let all the angels bow before Him       I can see Him everywhere,
He made the moon, He made the wind,                 I can feel His tender care,
He made the stars, He made the seas                      Holy Spirit of Jesus come and let’s glorify
He made these all for you and me; God is love.     All creation tells it:God is love.

Sunday, 22 June 2014



That day being a Saturday, I didn’t go to work so I decided to prepare something nice to eat for my household staff. When the gardener arrived from his house I summoned him and inquired from him who gave him the card.
He responded by saying he presented the card himself. I was astonished.
“So you mean you went all that length to pay people to design a card for me?”
 “Madam, I did it myself” was his reply.
“But you are not educated, so how could you have designed the card and add so beautiful a note to it?”


  Ever since James became my gardener he always dressed awkward and always communicated to me in a language we call pidgin English. His cv portrayed him as a primary school certificate holder so I concluded he was an illiterate. But as he revealed his real self to me I just sat down watching him in great astonishment.
“Madam, I am not an illiterate as you think. I am a Bachelor’s degree holder in Production engineering from the University of Benin. After my youth service I had very high hopes that I would soon secure a well paid job and begin to live a life worthy of my status.


I wrote and submitted many applications to various companies. Many of them never bothered to reply me and those which replied seemed to have only one thing in common: Embargo in employment giving the economic meltdown syndrome as excuse for their action.
After three years of waiting for a meaningful source of employ without results, I decided to take up teaching appointment so as to earn some money to keep hope alive. I worked in five different schools one after another yet the propertors would not pay regularly the meager sum of money they agreed to pay initially as salaries. After three years of struggling with that type of life, I decided to call it quits and I sat down at home to think of a way out of my predicament.


It was during this period that one of my former colleagues informed me that he is now a gardener and the take home pay was good and regular that should in case I am interested he would help link me up as soon as a good opportunity comes up.
That is how I became a gardener. I had to rearrange my credentials to look like I am a primary six certificate holder so as to avoid unnecessary embarrassment. To me it is very unthinkable that a university graduate should be working as a common gardener but I need to do it so as to keep my body and soul together so that my spirit will not depart out of frustration.


The words emanating from his mouth touched a sore spot in my heart. Prior to this time, I thought that of all the people in the world I was the one suffering the most. I never knew there were millions of people I was far better off than.
I thought of the economic system of my country. What type of political system is this that would turn our male graduates from the universities into beggars, taking menial jobs that do not befit their status and turning the females into prostitution so that they can survive.


Was this the type of nation our founding fathers had in mind when they gave their all so we can achieve independence from our colonial masters, with many of them dying in the process? Do our leaders realize that for every one million naira they unlawfully embezzle, they have succeeded in destroying the hopes, aspirations and dreams of many youths  and their families?
This is really unfair and I know I have to begin to do something to cause a change. Since I do not possess the wherewithal to do anything positive in large scale atleast I can begin something somewhere from where I am no matter how small.
 Story continues

Friday, 20 June 2014


                                                           THE BIRTHDAY GIFT


A day to my birthday, I arrived back from work and my gardener presented me with a white envelope. It contained what looked like a card. Taking it inside the house I dropped it at the table. I soon forgot everything about it.
After a shower and dinner I went straight to bed but I could not sleep. By this time the year before, I threw a lavish birthday party but this year I wanted to be alone. What was the need celebrating anyway? I asked myself. Then I remembered the envelope on the table. I reached for it and opened it, I was surprised at what I saw.


It was a birthday card. It contained my picture in a very simple but artistic design. I was touched because nobody have ever given such a gift before. It was very beautiful.


At the back of the card was a simple hand written message neatly and beautifully written: Happy birthday to a grand lady as beautiful as the morning sun and smiles like the silvery moon that lightens our path at night. JAMES.
Who could this james be? I asked myself. I knew only two James’. One left the country two years ago and the only other one I knew was my gardener. I waited till the next day to inquire of him who the James that sent the card was.