Monday 16 June 2014


                                                     MY LOVE STORY

She immediately changed tactics and began to speak saying, “Many of you think that you are in the worst situation because you have not been able to get married most especially to the man of your dreams.
Many of you have invested time energy and resources in attending marriage seminars, prayer vigils and countless counseling sessions, yet the husband who you so much desired refused to show up. I too was in the same circumstances but not long ago my story changed.


Growing up as a young girl I had high tastes and set a very high standard for myself. I wanted to be a smart professional like those ladies we watch in the films and read about in books. I worked very hard in my studies and graduated with a first class Bachelors degree in Economics.
Thereafter i got employment in one of the leading oil companies in the country. My salary was good and I lived in a very decent apartment. Every thing was working well for me and I was content and happy.


I needed a man so I experimented with a few men but either they did not meet my standard of what a husband should be or they simply turn out to be cheats. I suffered many heart breaks in the process so I decided to concentrate on building my career instead of wasting time with men.
I was still young and in my opinion I thought there was much time left for me to see my Mr Right and get married to him. I did not know I was trying to fish in troubled waters.

The story is still in progress

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