Tuesday 24 June 2014

                                                          WHEN GOD SPEAKS 

“As he spoke I watched him in awe and could not really help feeling sorry for him. I felt like crying and I asked him to leave so as not to betray my emotions. I prepared a very delicious meal and gave it all to my staff. All the while my mind was busy thinking of what James had revealed to me about himself.
By Monday of the following week I informed him to look for another gardener to take over his job. I made him to be the manager of my house for it was not proper that a University graduate should be a gardener. I also increased his salary to thrice the amount he was wont to receiving.


Meanwhile I continued to pray and search for that elusive husband but each time I prayed my attenetion always shifted to James. At first I bind the thought and went ahead to rebuke the devil sternly for daring to introduce such unwholesome an idea into my noble thoughts. But when the thought persisted I gave up arguing and began to arrange my thinking to become favourably disposed to it.
 He accompanied me to many functions and the way and manner he comported himself was excellent. Moreover he devoted much time to making me happy.
I realized that most of the qualities I wanted in a husband James possessed in sufficient quantities. What was the use of ranging far and wide looking for a man for, when there is a man in my very employ that would in my opinion surpass what I was looking for outside?


After giving this matter much thought I proposed a marriage toast to James and I was very happy to find out that his love was reciprocal. Without much ado we made the marriage arrangements and got married three months later.
I informed my boss about my husband’s lack of job and he promised to help secure him an appointment as soon as there was vacancy in the company with respect to his line of discipline. He did help and today my husband and I work iin the same company.
Story still progressing

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