Sunday 15 June 2014



The banquet hall of the prestigious hotel was filled with expectant ladies. They were of different shapes, complexion and sizes but there their differences end for they all had some things in common: They were all very beautiful and gorgeous in appearance and were all in desperate need of husbands.
All most all of them were in their late thirties while some of them have already crossed the forty year mark and were fast approaching menopause and except God provide for them a husband, it won’t be funny.


The pastor who anchored this seminar in the hotel is an expert in the field of dating, courtship and marriage. So versatile was this man that his services are required in different parts of the world. He did his work with so much passion not because of the material benefits he derived from it but because he has a heart of compassion and truly desires to see all ladies get married to the husbands of their dreams.


He made arrangement for a lady to share her own testimony in this particular seminar. The ladies sitting down to await his teachings did not smile; many of them wore a frown in their faces.
The master of ceremonies took the microphone and announced: Ladies, may I have the pleasure to invite to the podium the guest speaker for today?
He was still speaking when the guest speaker made a dramatic entry to the stage with the intention of producing one or two jokes to liven up the atmosphere but a look at the faces of the ladies before her gave her the awareness that they were not here for any sort of jokes.

The story continues

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