Wednesday 18 June 2014



It was not until most of my few close female friends got married that I realized I too need to do same. But where were the men? They seem to have vanished into thin air. To make matters worse, age was no longer on my side and I was no longer looking as beautiful as I used to, at least that was what my opinion was. I became desperate.
What was I to do? I became more active in church activites with the hope that a good brother would propose a toast to me but no such thing occurred. I bought many books on dating and marriage and I read them all, but did they produce the husband I need? Your answer is as good as mine: the effort did not produce a single husband.


Many a night, I could not sleep, I just lay on my bed crying and praying that God should help me in getting a husband. I started attending gospel functions, I attended over forty marriage seminars, sixty counseling sessions and lost count on the number of fasting and praying vigils both personal and church organized I participated in, yet in all these things the man of my dreams never showed up.


I became sad. I had a good job, live in a big house haven a full complement of household staff like security guards, cleaners, gardeners except cook. But was this what I really wanted?
I wanted to close from work, go home and see my children welcome me home. I wanted to hear their happy voices as they chase each other playfully round the house. I wanted to hear them quarrel and cry as children do. I wanted to hear them share their experiences of their day with me and how I would have loved to carry them close to my bosom and comfort them in their pains.


I wanted to come home and spend a quiet night with my man in an atmosphere of love. To me, this is life worth living and I would willingly give up every possession I had just to see this dream come true.
As I lay down in my big and empty house, tears of sorrow would fill my heart and eyes. Help me oh God I would cry out in desperation.
The story continues

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