Sunday 8 June 2014


                                              WASTED EFFORT

The animals sat down patiently after the dedication service to hear the head wolf’s announcement. Bristles for that was what the head wolf’s name was, stood up to give his announcement as follows:
The name of the university is Bristles University. The name of the other school is Lady Bristle’s group of Schools. The school fees for the primary and secondary sessions are 30,000 quids and 50,000 quids respectively
The fee for the university is 450,000 quids. You may go now, thank you.

The animals stared on in total disbelief as Chancellor Bristles made his announcement. What? Did they hear right or was their ears playing them false? What manner of speech is this that the head wolf was saying? They sat glued to their seats.
One small hand shot up. The owner of the hand stood up to speak after he was given the permission to do so. It’s name was Ed, a young piglet with very outstanding qualities. Young as it was, its sense of reasoning and foresight was astonishing and it’s oratory prowess was impeccable.

“Sir, I thought you said the school fees would be affordable to us all? How come we now hear such exorbitant prices like the ones you have just mentioned?”
“Are these prices not low enough, my piglet?” responded Mr. Bristles.
“Sir, these prices are not affordable” continued Ed, “I am very disheartened to have experienced a day such as this. You are quite aware that most of our parents do not earn a yearly income of 20,000 quids. With this sum they pay house rents and other bills, feed and cloth us, where on this Caspian do you expect us to get the money you have now introduced as school fees?

“You know how much we have all labored to see these schools established. We gave our time, energy and finance working hard without food and water,  working in the rain and sun heat so as to complete this task” He paused momentarily.
Many of the animals were surprised to hear Ed speak. They watched in great admiration as he defended their course, carrying the full responsibility of the whole animals on his young shoulders. As the piglet narrated the story of their sufferings, many of the animals burst into tears.

Ed the pig continued with emotion laden voice, “After all these effort, the schools have been built. We came here today to hear something sweet to comfort us and soot our pains but to my uttermost chagrin, your speech had turned contrary to expectations and have left us deflated giving our small ego a very great bruise”
Chancellor Bristles blushed one or two times and then began to speak, “If as you have spoken, eighty percent or more of you cannot afford these fees, remember that there are a lot of individuals outside our religious circles who can afford it. Sorry there is nothing I can do about it. Goodbye.”
Haven said this; he left the hall followed by his long routine of wolves.

The animals left the hall in small groups. They were all totally disappointed. The outcome of the day’s meeting was not what they bargained for. How could these wolves be so callous? How did they not envisage this trickery since? These things pained them very much as they walked home to their humble abodes.
The elderly ones felt betrayed. Here was what they had hoped as a golden opportunity to give the much needed education to their young ones gone begging. The young feminine ones burst into tears as they saw their dream of getting an education evaporate into thin air.
The young males stood totally confused not knowing which way to go next. They searched for this answer by looking from one face to another but no answer came forth.

These animals are clearly in a dilemma. What is the way forward for them? Find out more by clicking the link below.

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