Thursday 5 June 2014


The head wolf stood up to give the sermon. It was very brief. Then he went on to make his announcement: “ After very careful considerations the wolves had finally perfected plans to execute a project given explicitly by the Most High that all animals in the Caspian must be educated irrespective of race, tribe or social economic background.”
There was a spontaneous thunderous applause. The animals were excited, for once they seemed to hear something reasonable come out from the wolves.


Elated, the head wolf continued, “We have therefore decided to build the best school, the best university in Triangular Sphere which will be better than any government school. People can attend from other countries. From today we will begin to collect a special offering called University Special Fund or USF for short. Everyone of you must contribute to it. From next week, manual labor will begin at the site and all of us must come there and work daily.
You will be supervised by the wolves and once the school and university is completed, you must all attend it whether you are rich or poor for the school fees will be very affordable.” He concluded.


This time the standing ovation was electrifying as the animals brought down the roof. Their hearts were filled with thanksgiving to the Most High and for once many of them left the pew, ran straight to the altar and embraced the wolves. Tears of sweet affection were shed all over the hall.
By the time some chickens which had been in hiding came out and performed some wonderful dancing like what we earthlings call ball dancing, everyone present there could not help but stand to their feet and did some dancing according to his ability.

The story continues …..

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