Saturday 14 June 2014



That Abel had always loved the LORD was never in doubt. Many times he would sit at the feet of his dad and listened attentively as the old man instructed them about the ways of the great FATHER, the creator of the earth and the heavens. His imaginations would carry his mind away as his dad told and retell the creation story.
His melodious heart would fill up with praise, glory and honour to the great I AM as the story unfolds. However whenever Adam came to the part where Eve and he ate the forbidden fruit, grave sorrow would make his big heart to start breaking. The remorse and pain would be too great that he would have to discontinue listening to the story. By watching him, Adam knew that this young boy would definitely write his name in history. He saw in him the strength of character and love for GOD to carry on where he [Adam] and Eve had failed.


Cain on the other hand showed none of these traits. At best his general disposition to the things that pertained to GOD can be adequately described as that of gross nonchalant. The stories his father told them about GOD were boring to him and as such he would chose to go outside and do his own thing rather than sit down listening to stories about one GOD whom he had never seen. Hence it was not too difficult for satan to find in him a willing ally, an instrument through which he could aptly carry out his plan of wickedness towards the future generations of mankind.


Abel haven been thoroughly schooled and remembering his lessons very well, brought a sheep for this his first sacrifice. Cain perhaps haven forgotten his lessons felt any thing was good enough to present as a sacrifice to GOD. He also brought forth his offering: The fruits of the ground. In doing so he erred greatly and his sacrifice was not accepted.
In the presentation of such an offering, Cain had seriously contravened the rules: and without shedding of blood is no remission.
He had worked with the assumption that so long as it is GOD anything goes. Just as many of us do today, he thought GOD has no standard but this is very wrong because GOD has a standard that HE has set. No one, not even GOD himself can change that stand. HIS word cannot be changed, so let us beware list we continue to walk in the footsteps of Cain.


Many interesting arguments can arise from this simple story. Many are of the opinion that under the circumstances Cain was a cultivator of crops and so he presented what he had, so how could he have gotten a sheep for the purpose?
The answer is simple. Abel was an animal husbandman and he loved the LORD so there was no way he would have refused giving Cain one of his sheep knowing the importance of such act as the sheep was to be used for. Moreover Adam was a very wealthy man; he had lots of livestock of his own and could easily have given Cain one of them. In addition to these, there were a lot of livestock which practiced free range system on their own accord so Cain could easily have liaised with one of them to willingly offer its life as a sacrifice to GOD.

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