Friday 13 June 2014

                                               CAIN AND ABEL

The day was a very happy one for Adam. Ever since he was driven away from the garden of Eden as a result of his transgression of the commandment from GOD, he had have to make sacrifices once a year for the atonement of the sins of his family.
He not willing that any of his sons namely Cain and Abel should also grow up and transgress the commandment of GOD, for he Adam, had seen in part the consequencies of such act, he began to undertake the tutelage of the boys in the ways of God when they were still young and tender.


Adam was present when the LORD had taken the sheep skin from the first sacrifice on earth to cover Eve and he. From then onwards, he had been schooled on the act of proper procedures for sacrificing sin offerings unto the LORD by the Holy Watchers.
He had been informed that such sacrifices were a forerunner to the very ultimate sacrifice for man’s sin: The death of the LORD’s CHRIST. Adam being appreciative of GOD’s love and mercies towards him, followed the instructions to the latter and always made sure that his two sons were always present whenever he made such sacrifices.


The two boys learnt the meaning of the sacrifice and it’s importance from Adam. Several times they watched him perform and they asked questions so as to clearify some important parts from their father who always obliged them. From all the things they learnt from their father, one thing stood out clearly above the others. This was perhaps a result of their questioning their father the rational behind killing an animal when they could still have offered their sacrifice using something else.
Adam gave them the answer that GOD had given him. This is it”
Heb 9:22
22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.


Several years have come and gone since this duo of youngsters has first learnt from their father Adam the elementary principles of the exigencies of sacrifice for sin. Now they were full grown men and Adam believed it was time they started this process of atonement for their sins on their own.
Adam not willing to interrupt proceedings gave them the free hand to perform on their own accord. The young men chose the venue for this sacred act and consequently raised up altars there to the glory of GOD. Now it was time for them to bring forth the most important item needed to make this offering a success.
To be continued.

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