Saturday 7 June 2014


                                          BUILDING THE SCHOOL

On the scheduled date the animals arrived early at the site to commence work in building the school. They loved the project and gave their all in actualizing it. Most of the elderly among them were uneducated. They could neither read nor write in their mother tongue or in the tongue of the missionaries who brought enlightens to them hundreds of years ago.
Due to illiteracy, many of them could not get good jobs; they were employed mainly as farm hands, bricklayers and other types of menial labor. 


Working as a laborer was difficult and the take home pay was quite small. One had to endure all forms of embarrassment and pass through severe financial difficulties just to be able to survive. Haven passed through all these difficulties they made a vow that they would do all that is in their power to give education to their young ones.
But in this they were also faced with severe challenges: The school fees charged per child by the schools was clearly out of the reach of many of them. Would they sit down, fold their hands and watch their young ones, their only hope for a better tomorrow suffer the same fate as they did?


You can therefore imagine how elated these animals were at the pronouncement of their head wolf. This surely was a welcome development and they swore to give their hall in ensuring the project comes to a fruitful end.
Another reason why many of them supported the idea was because they felt that an evening class or something of that sort would be organized with which they can use to update themselves academically.
With this they can now read the Holy Book themselves and not have to depend on anyone else to do so for them.


The animals gave in their all to this project. They worked effortlessly to ensuring the project came to a successful end. Those who could not commit themselves to daily labor gave generously to the work in terms of money and other valuables.
Although what each of them gave was small, they gave all they had. Out of their poverty they gave that which they could afford. Many of them sold whatsoever belongings they had and brought the money to the fellowship. The wolves gave nothing, they only appear in the premise once a day, gallivanted about the premises clad in their beautiful attires nodding their heads here and there like the agama lizard scribbling some write up in the big books they carried about.


Not once did the wolverines brought milk or food for the working animals. The only time they visited the site was when the young wolves were back home from their schools which they attended in foreign lands.
Even then, they did no work in the site but just strolled about the site as if they were on a picnic with the young wolverines twisting their waists and giggling aloud like a group of spoilt girls, while the other animals toiled hard in the rain and sunshine so as to complete this work on time. 


At last after several animal years on the Caspian planet, the school and the University was completed. The animals were very happy. The buildings were architectural masterpieces to animal standard. They were laid out neatly on a very large parcel of land. Carpet grasses lined the ground while beautiful colored flowers and trees lined the streets and lanes in the very vast expanse of land used for this wonderful venture.
The dedication service was slated for that very week and commencement of academic activities was scheduled to take off that same week of the dedication. The fees for each department of this project would be announced in due course. This announcement was written in the circular neatly pasted and distributed all over the new university campus by the chancellor, the head wolf.
The story continues.

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